Ranking The 10 Childhood Activities That Would Cause Severe Injury If You Tried Them Today

Photo: Hannes Hepp (Getty)

As difficult as it is for me to admit, I know that I’m not exactly a spring chicken. And me even saying “spring chicken” should prove that. That’s why I get annoyed when I see young folks at the mall or at the movie theatre. I know how irritating they are because I once used to be irritating (and some folks say I still am). But when I wasn’t annoying the hell out of everyone around me, I was being active. You know, me and my flexible self was doing cartwheels, splits, performing cannonballs and even jumping on a trampoline. But if I were to try any of those things today I’m pretty certain I would end up in the hospital. And that’s because me and my old, string cheese body just can’t do the things I used to be able to do.

That said, chances are you can’t either. And if you can, well kudos to you, you’re an active human. But most of us aren’t. So take a look below as we rank the 10 tasks you used to be able to do as a kid, but now if you did them you would be seriously injured.

Ranking The 10 Childhood Activities That Would Cause Severe Injury If You Tried Them Today

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