Young sexy woman wearing lingerie

Rhode Island Wants To Charge Folks $20 To Access Free Internet Porn

Photo: mihailomilovanovic (Getty)

So while Florida is deeming porn a health risk, Rhode Island wants to charge people money to watch naked strangers flop around.

Rhode Island state senators Frank Ciccone and Hanna Gallo are introducing a law that would require ISPs operating in the state to block sites that feature “sexual content” or are deemed “offensive.” This in hopes to prevent people under the age of 18 from accessing all this smut, which I can get behind. But what if you’re 18? Well those folks would have to request in writing that the block be lifted. How? But proving their age via identification and then handing over a onetime fee of $20 to the state.

That’s not all. Folks who are eager to watch porn will be subjected to a written warning reminding them of the dangers of making adult content accessible to teens and kids.

While I’m all for keeping this content away from kids, it’s pretty absurd that Rhode Island wants to grab $20 from adults who simply want their daily dose of free internet porn. Although it’s no surprise since these days it seems lawmakers are going after porn more than they are going after things that are actually harmful to society.

This is not officially a law yet, so people in Rhode Island can continue to watch their porn the way God intended it: free of all charge.

h/t Gizmodo

On second thought: Woman ‘Pulls Out’ Of Buying Arizona Home After Realizing It Had Been Used For A Porn Shoot

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