Man performing hand trick, close up

Man’s $70K BMW Cuts His Thumb Off

Photo: PM Images (Getty Images)

I used to have a piece of garbage car that I bought for $1,200. But guess what? It never severed any of my limbs.

Godwin Boateng, from Long Island, now has nine fingers after his $70,000 BMW X5 cut his thumb clean off after the ride’s self-closing doors closed right on his thumb. And naturally, Boateng is suing BMW. The 61-year-old software engineer had this to say:

“I carried my thumb into the hospital, and they said, ‘What happened to you?’ I said, ‘My car door.’ I’m holding my thumb, they took it and put it on ice. The nurse said, ‘Maybe the doctor can put it back on.’ The doctor came in and looked at it and said, ‘I’m sorry.’ He said he couldn’t. The way it got severed, it couldn’t be saved.”

NY Post

Boateng was meeting a friend for dinner on July 6, 2016, and had been standing outside the black SUV when he rested his right hand on the driver’s door column, according to his Brooklyn federal suit.

“With the front driver’s door approximately one-foot ajar, the SCAD [Soft Closing Automatic Doors] sensor activated the electric motor, which pulled the driver’s door firmly, and not ‘so softly’ snapped through the flesh, nerves, blood vessels, tendons, musculature and bone structure of Boateng’s right thumb,” his suit says.

Boateng said that even after two surgeries, his hand remains swollen. While part of his right thumbnail has grown back, he sometimes wears the fake finger because the tip is still sore and sensitive.

Boateng is suing for unspecified damages, but understands that no amount of money can change the fact he has nine fingers.

Also a bummer: Guy Runs Alongside Train After Finger Gets Stuck Between Doors

“I don’t know how you put a price on it; it’s a life-changer,” Boateng said. His suit says that BMW were well aware of their fault sensors but did nothing.

I can barely be productive with all of my fingers, so I can’t even imagine the stress that Boateng is going through. But it’s true what they say: Pricey cars put your fingers in danger. People say that, right?

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