WTF? The Beatles’ Fan Plans to Clone John Lennon

It’s always the most insane people who have the most money, isn’t it? Beatles’ fan Daniel Zuk purchased one of John Lennon’s teeth for £20,000 at an auction in 2011, and now plans to use the DNA that the tooth provides to clone the legendary musician/songwriter.

Zuk, who is a dentist, told The Sun: “If scientists think they can clone mammoths, then John Lennon could be next. To say I had a small part in bringing back one of rock’s greatest stars would be mind-blowing.”

Some reasonable logic there.

Completely unaware of his own insanity, Zuk continued: “I’m nervous and excited at the possibility we will be able to fully sequence John Lennon’s DNA, very soon I hope. Many Beatles fans remember where they were when they heard John Lennon was shot. I hope they also live to hear the day he got another chance.”

Perhaps one day Zuk will realise his dream, and in the future we’ll have an army of Beatles riding on the backs of prehistoric mammals.

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