The Prophecy: Forsaken (dir. Joel Soisson, 2005)

That self-writing Bible, we now learn, is called The Lexicon, and the reason bad angels want it is because it will eventually reveal the name of the Antichrist. Seems like we’ve strayed from The Prophecy a lot. By the way, when the name of the Antichrist is revealed near the end of the film, it looks to be “Michael Palin.” Well, it’s the Romanian spelling of “Mykael,” and it could actually be “Paun” instead of “Palin,” but it sure looks like Michael Palin to me. So, yes, friends. That calm and funny member of Monty Python is actually the Antichrist.
The evil angel after the book is named (sigh) Stark, played by Tony Todd. Stark has enlisted a human zombie servant named Dylan, played by Jason Scott Lee, who rots like a zombie over the course of the film. Stark also has in his employ a race of angel-like beings called “Thrones.” The nature of Thrones is never really explained. The Thrones are all after Allison, who has been protecting the Lexicon. Eventually Dylan turned to Allison’s side, and teaches her how to avoid Thrones by wearing wigs and perfume and taking iron pills to change the taste of your blood. Yes, it’s that easy.
There is a notable scene of full-front nudity, at any rate, wherein an actress named Georgia Nica, parades around the screen casually flaunting her body in a clear example of unfettered gratuity. This was Nica’s only film.
And, to make sure you are not robbed of that gratuity yourself, here is a picture of Ms. Nica, tastefully covered up for your very own Safe-For-Work consumption. Enjoy.

The only interesting bit of theology in the film pertains to the motivations of Satan. He will do nothing to prevent the coming apocalypse, because it would mean more souls in Hell. Meanwhile, Stark and other angels will do nothing to prevent the apocalypse because they’ll be back in Heaven. Kari Wuhrer learns that being a human, and standing up for the world (i.e. God’s creations) is the ultimate act of faith. It’s a little hard to understand, but you can see the script trying to work in something profound.

I have nothing more to say about The Prophecy: Forsaken.