The internet is run on cats and parodies, which puts YouTube channel The Pet Collective pretty much at the center of the webz. Their channel has clawed-up millions of views, probably because they’ll make fun of any movie or TV show they can wrap their tiny paws around. Here are 7 funny cat parodies by The Pet Collective:
Cat Parodies: Anchorman
I thought cat Pleasure Town would include more strings and milk.
Cat Parodies: Street Fighter
Go home and be a family cat.
Cat Parodies: Pixar’s Toy Story
The texture on those cats looks so real.
Cat Parodies: HBO’s Girls
I’d party in that glowstick room.
Cat Parodies: The Hunger Games
Cardboard bees are the worst bees, except for regular bees.
Cat Parodies: The Lion King
He has an evil butt named Scar. That’s what you almost said, kid!
Cat Parodies: Star Wars
That’s no moon. It’s a dog toy!
Geoffrey Golden is a bestselling author and Editor-in-Chief of The Devastator comedy magazine.