What You Love vs. What She Loves

In a relationship, it is often difficult to find a compromise. You want to do one thing, your girlfriend wants to do another, you want to spend your Saturday stuffing your face with carbohydrates and eating football, she wants to go outside… it’s hard work. 

With that being said, we’ve noted down some of the key problems that you and your girlfriend will likely face in a multitude of difference scenarios. Here is What You Love vs. What She Loves.


A Perfect Night Out

What She Loves… A nice, expensive meal, preferably in a restaurant where the main courses are indistinguishable from the starters. Wearing anything from your existing wardrobe in this place would lead to you feeling underdressed, so purchasing a new attire is essential.

What You Love… A huge, competitively priced meal, culminating in a trip to a nearby bar and ordering a drink which has an umbrella in it because you’re comfortable with your sexuality. The night finishes with some lethargic sex, in which you drunkenly mount your girlfriend with all the sexiness of a seal trying to flop its way onto a floating block of ice.


A Quiet Night In

What She Loves… Cuddling up on the sofa in front of the TV, watching a few films and drinking a few glasses of wine.

What You Love… Putting on your favourite trilogy of films and then providing a running commentary while watching them. She might not have cared about the FACT that Han shot first before tonight, but 6 hours and 18 minutes later she most certainly will. If not, you’ll punish her by putting on the prequels.



What She Loves… Somewhere hot where you can both sunbathe, meaning you’ll return home with the same colour and texture as your leather wallet.

What You Love… Somewhere hot where you can revert back to your childhood state, giddily running around water parks and eating too much before falling asleep in the blistering heat, condemning yourself to five days of hell as your skin slowly peels off due to sunburn and your bedroom resembles a snake pit. FUN!


Planning for the Future

What She Loves… Making adult, reasonable decisions, and assessing your respective financial situations in order to deduce whether renting or investing in a mortgage is the suitable option for you both to take.

What You Love… Prolonging your “glory days” (which you insist are ongoing, despite them being over 10 years ago) by refusing to cave into all the pressures of adulthood, such as accepting responsibility for yourself and your actions. Spending your spare time looking at ridiculously loud and expensive sound systems to put into your future home with your significant other than actually looking for the future home itself. You tell her that the sound system will be “an investment”. It won’t.

Photo: Getty Images
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