The Crew is Gonna Be Tough for Those With Bad Internet

Is there anything more frustrating than trying to do virtually anything on the internet when your connection is being flaky?  And doing anything that requires significant bandwidth, like playing a next-gen, graphic-heavy game — damn near impossible.

So, if you frequently run into connectivity issues, take note — Ubisoft’s upcoming racer The Crew may not be a game for you.

That recommendation comes after word from Crave gaming site Destructoid that a loss of your internet signal while playing the much-hyped new game will get you booted back to the title screen, all game progress lost.

As Crew creative director Julian Gerighty told VideoGamer

“It’s one of those things that the game needs to work with an internet connection so I think you’re going to lose the race you’re in…It’s not the most elegant of solutions. It’s not good news, I’m afraid, but it’s just part and parcel of…You know, you’re doing an instance on World of Warcraft, you lose your internet connection and that’s it.”

This might sound like a First World problem to many of you in your internet-rich environments of the future, but for the rest of us at the mercy of crappy service providers or remote locations scattered around the globe, this isn’t such a small consideration when you plunk down $60 on a new game.

So if that’s the case for you…consider yourself warned.

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