Watch The Hilarious ‘Doctor Who’ & Rocky Horror Picture Show Mashup

With the meteoric rise of “Doctor Who” fandom in the last few years, the number of parody and tribute videos have skyrocketed. But the newest “Doctor Who” parody is one of the best I’ve ever seen.
The Hillywood Show has combined “Doctor Who” with The Rocky Horror Picture Show as the Doctor, his companions and even the most famous “Doctor Who” creatures belt out a rendition of The Time Warp.
Hilly Hindi stars as the Doctor, with Elliot Crossley as the voice of the Doctor, Michelle Janine as Martha Jones, Brittany Turner as Rose Tyler, Hannah Hindi as Donna Noble and Adam Walker as the voice of the Daleks.
This video seems to take its inspiration from the first four seasons of the “Doctor Who” revival, with guest appearances by the Weeping Angels, The Family of Blood, The Ood, The Judoon, The Master, Robot Santa and even the Vashta Nerada! 
On every level, this is a very impressive achievement and it’s well worth your time. So go watch it, already! 

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