Marvel Teases The New Captain America

Over the holiday weekend, Marvel noted that a big Captain America announcement was being made today. But rather than actually going through with that announcement, Marvel is still playing coy with its readers.

Marvel has confirmed that a new Captain America will be unveiled in Captain America # 25, but the company is continuing to hide the new Cap’s identity despite some obvious clues as to who he is.

The original Captain America, Steve Rogers recently lost his Super Soldier Serum enhanced body and he rapidly reverted to his true age. But according to Captain America writer, Rick Remender, Rogers will still play a big role in Captain America.

Remender told that Steve Rogers is “a man in his 90s now without the frame or physical strength, but that doesn’t mean he’s out of the fight. He’s basically orchestrating things and playing tactician, fighting against Zola, using his friends in the Avengers to try and do so. He’s waging a war from a room rather than the front lines, which is new for Steve.”

“I do like the idea of giving Steve a bit of a break once the new Cap steps up and takes the mantle for a while,” added Remender. “Steve’s going to continue to play a role in the series as mentor and tactician and eye in the sky, running ops and things. He’s got all of his faculties and is still the super soldier he earned the right to be called; he just lacks the physical form.”

Related: Rick Remender Shares Details About Marvel’s Axis Event

Possible Captain America spoilers ahead!

Almost everyone in comics expects that the new Captain America will be Sam Wilson, aka The Falcon. Even some of Marvel’s upcoming covers for Avengers and Axis seem to point in that direction.

Marvel’s refusal to acknowledge that now is mystifying. And to make things even more complicated, a group of overzealous fans falsely accused Remender of writing a statutory rape scene between Jet Black and Falcon in the most recent issue of Captain America. That’s why #FireRickRemender was trending on twitter last night.

However, even within the issue itself, Jet Black says that she’s 23 and thus not underage. Several of Remender’s fellow comic professionals also came to his defense over the faux-outrage.

Regarding the new Cap’s ID, Marvel has said only that it will be revealed within the next few weeks. Captain America # 25 will be released this fall.

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