Delta Goodrem’s Response To Marlon Wayans’ Viral Diss Is Perfect

Actor and comedian Marlon Wayans caused a viral sensation with his Instagram post yesterday, which unwittingly slammed the rhythmic abilities of Australian sweetheart Delta Goodrem, and now the Born To Try singer has laid down her response.

“Man I got the most UNRHYTHMIC WHITE WOMAN dancing next to me at the jay and bay concert… This bitch dancing to AC/DC,” Wayans wrote on his original post showing a red-hued photo of himself looking disturbed by the lady beside him at a Beyonce and Jay-Z concert, who as it turns out was Goodrem herself.

While Delta hasn’t directly responded to Wayans, this morning she took to Twitter to let fans know she had “a blast last night” while also linking to a thirty second Seinfeld clip of the infamous “Elaine Dance”, a dance described by George as resembling “a full bodied dry heave set to music.”

Wayans has taken some flack on social media following his viral post and the comedian has also taken to Twitter to defend his original comments, plus throw a few extra in for good measure. While the photo has since gone viral and has been “liked” almost 24,000 times on Instagram, some have still rebuked the comedian for his comment.

“Ok so let me start by saying suck it long, hard and til y’all mouths hurt to all these sensitive ass people,” he wrote in response to a bevy of punters who took offence to his Delta diss.

“Wow your [sic] such a gentleman. NOT! This really shows what a disgusting person you are. Peace!,” wrote one outraged Twitter user. “Actually I am but I don’t take kindly to sensitive assholes,” replied Wayans. “I do comedy period. Like it or don’t. I don’t give a fuck. I’m me.”

“Secondly, I ain’t apologizing for a joke,” continued Wayans today. “Third,” he added, “She still can’t dance. Now go correct someone who is correctable and actually gives a fuck. Peace.” 


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