Jamie Oliver Visits Toronto Students

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, known for his slews of Food Network shows as well as his cookbooks and recent movement to help students eat healthier, recently made a stop in Toronto. The British personality has teamed up with Sobeys grocery store chain to help Canadians eat better.

The Home Cook Heroes program was co-developed by Sobeys and Free the Children, and Oliver was in Toronto on Wednesday for the unveiling of the grocer’s Better Food Fund, which pumps money into the program. The chef also gave a cooking demonstration to a number of local students.

“I think perfection doesn’t really exist and, actually, perfection is kind of unhealthy because it will send people crazy. Getting it right most of the time is the kind of spirit,” Oliver said during an interview with The Canadian Press. “If you’re going to have a burger, God bless, there’s nothing wrong with a burger if it’s made out of good stuff. The thing is, when you give people the information to understand food, they just start consuming it in a totally different way.

“We love pizzas, we love cakes, we love burgers, but we also love a whole load of other stuff. And I think when you’ve got that mixture, that’s a much better place to be,” he added, referring to his family, which includes four children.

Photo: WENN.com

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