Ubisoft’s The Crew Is Already Experiencing Major Connection Problems

2014 has just about been the worst year possible for major game launches, and apparently Ubisoft got the memo. The French company’s pseudo-MMO racing title The Crew — which we had the chance to try on numerous occasions — has finally been released. And you guessed it — there are already big problems with the online functionality.

The reports come mainly via EuroGamer, and though overall impressions are positive-leaning, issues with internet connectivity do stand to a cripple a game when its entire premise (cruising the open road, online, with “crews” of other racers) revolves around the internet’s seamless integration.

Below are some excerpts explaining the issues seen so far.

Ubisoft’s newly released driving game takes its title from the ability to form squads of friends to drive around the vast, open-world digest of America that developer Ivory Tower has created. It’s a feature introduced in a day one patch, and – some 24 hours after the game’s launch – it’s one that remains temperamental at best.

The Crew is sold on the promise of epic, cross-country drives, races that take you from the bounding dunes that skirt the Great Lakes to the swamps of the south, from the evergreens of New Jersey to the dustbowls of California – marathon events that, when the server inevitably drops, can see an hour’s progress wiped in one cruel disconnection.

Related: Worst of 2014: Top 5 Video Game Launch Disasters of 2014

Yikes. This has sadly become an all-too-predictable trend for major releases that depend heavily on online features, and the only solace I can come up with is that this cursed year is almost over. Will Ubisoft get their things in order in the coming weeks? Maybe. Wait too long, though, and the damage — like Driveclub before it — will have already been done.

[Via: NeoGAF]

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