The 10 Worst Ads of Super Bowl 2015

Save The Data – T-Mobile

It’s rare that a commercial makes me want to punch my TV, but T-Mobile earned that distinction this year by featuring professional parasite, Kim Kardashian as its focal point.

Kardashian may think that she’s mocking her well deserved reputation for narcissism, but it never actually comes off as a joke.

Om – Squarespace

How do you get Jeff Bridges for a Super Bowl commercial… and not make it hilarious?!

It’s not only tedious to watch, it also does a poor job of explaining what Squarespace is and why it should be used.

Push It – Geico

I suppose we should be grateful that Geico didn’t unleash another commercial with its talking gecko or the even more annoying talking pig. But bringing in Salt-N-Pepa just feels kind of… desperate.

Geico is trying too hard to make its Super Bowl ad pop, which only makes its failure more apparent.

Settle It – Skittles

The hard truth of comedy is that not every joke is going to work.

Skittles tried to make a memorably funny ad for this year’s Super Bowl. But the results are underwhelming.

Fable – Mercedes-Benz

And finally, we have the most obnoxious ad of Super Bowl 2015 that doesn’t involve a dead kid.

It’s kind of amazing that the creative team behind the Fable ad completely missed the point of The Tortoise and the Hare fable. In most of the original tellings, the Hare’s overconfidence leads him to overlook the Tortoise’s slow but steady progress until it’s too late.

But in this ad, The Tortoise gets behind the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz and his inner asshole comes out. Apparently The Tortoise also stole the Hare’s girlfriend somewhere along the way.

Also See: The Best Ads of Super Bowl XLIX

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