Check Out: Watch an Exclusive Clip from the ‘Dracula Untold’ Blu-ray
Were there any scenes you regret were cut?
I don’t… not off the top of my head. I really wouldn’t be able to tell you. It was such a long time ago, and I’ve been doing so many other things, that I can’t really remember. I know there are some big fight sequence moments. You will probably see images or even footage from Caligua’s Cave. Because that was a humongous set! I’m sure you’ll see bits of Baba Yaga’s house. There was a lot of stuff that didn’t get in. But that’s the fun of DVD bonus features, right? What would they have to put on there if we didn’t cut something? [Laughs.]
I finally got to see the ending. Not to spoil too much, but I can reveal, I think, that the ending takes place in the modern day. Could you shed some light as to where Bram Stoker’s novel – set in the 1890s – fits into this movie? Did the events of the novel take place in this universe?
I don’t know. I’ve never really asked that question to the powers that be. But I would assume yes. That’s what I would have assumed. I would have assumed that this vampire has lasted this whole time, and has survived through decades of everything wherever. He can pop up anywhere. Spanish Inquisition. He could be in Shakespeare’s time. He could [be] in World War I. He could be anywhere. All of those things could have happened. And I like the idea of that. That this is a character that can turn up at any point, as long as you abide by the rules that vampires are endeared to. He’s gonna be around for a long time, and gain some enemies in the process.
Dracula seems like a fun part to play.
Yeah! There’s a lot of scope to him. There’s a lot of scope to a character that can transcend time and has these amazing powers. And the older he gets… there’s a psychological aspect to his character as well. This is a man who you see at the end of the film, he’s wandering through a late-evening market in some city wearing clothes, but not looking like he should really be there. And what has that man been through? That’s what I think. What has he got left? Does he have anything? He had to [SPOILERS REDACTED]. He’s searching for something that I don’t think he even knows what it is.
And there’s a romantic aspect to the character as well. In the potential of where he can go.