Calls for Sepp Blatter to Resign Following FIFA Arrests

Everybody likes football but no one likes FIFA. That has been the general consensus for many years now, but following the World Cup 2018 and 2022 processes to appoint countries to host the event, along with yesterday’s arrests of several prominent FIFA officials, the call for a reevaluation of the sport’s governing body has been louder than ever. Now that FIFA finds itself in the middle of broad allegations of corruption, many are demanding that loathsome FIFA president Sepp Blatter should step down from his post.

Unfortunately, Blatter is unlikely to listen to his critics and on Friday it is probable that FIFA’s presidency elections will take place, inevitably crowning him with a fifth four-year term as head of the organisation, despite him making the tragic decision to grant Qatar hosting duties of the World Cup 2022, leading to the deaths of an estimated 1,200 deaths of workers assigned duties in the development of the country’s stadiums.

Also See: FIFA Officials Arrested Over Corruption and Money Laundering Charges

If you need any more proof of just how inhumane the treatment of Qatar’s World Cup employees has been, take a look at the below image:

Via The Washington Post

Whereas most would feel that being at the epicenter of this continued tragedy (despite protests Qatar are somehow still set to host the World Cup, meaning that the death toll will only rise from here on out) should be cause for resignation, Blatter clearly doesn’t hold that opinion, instead deciding that the FIFA elections should continue, an event that given his lack of competition will undoubtedly lead to him being put in for another term as president of the governing body.

With a Downing Street spokesperson stating that UK Prime Minister David Cameron was backing calls for Blatter to resign, if this is to be the case then it’s likely that Russia and Qatar’s successful World Cup 2018 and 2022 bids would be reevaluated in order to see whether there was any wrongdoing in FIFA’s allocation of the countries as World Cup hosts.

Photo: Getty Images

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