The Last Guardian is Still Alive and it’s Coming to the PS4

Though there were rumors of it appearing at E3 2015 prior to Sony’s press conference, and we even mentioned it in our list of predictions for the event, it was still very surprising to see The Last Guardian being pulled out of limbo and announced as a PS4 exclusive.

The game started off Sony’s E3 showcase, with viewers being treated to gameplay footage for the very first time. The small segment shown off by Sony highlighted the bond between the player and Trico, the feathered, dog-like companion who will aid you throughout the game.

It looked gorgeous (as well it should given how long it’s spent in development), replicating the charm of other games from developers Team Ico such as Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. We just hope that this giant beast doesn’t die…

A rather large release window of 2016 has been set for The Last Guardian, and given its history we really hope that it doesn’t face another delay. That may be too much to ask, though.

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