Planet Fitness Made A Dude Write A Letter To Cancel His Membership So He Wrote Them A Break Up Letter It's not you, it's me.
#WCW Stormy Daniels I’m not saying Stormy Daniels looks like the type of chick who would have an affair with a rich…
Haley Atwell Hates Woody Allen Now In an interview with The Guardian, Haley Atwell answered a question about working with Woody Allen 10 years ago…
8 Things You Can Do With A Flamethrower Now That Elon Musk Has Sold $5 Million Worth Of Them Got dreams of being the Human Torch? Well, this is close enough.
“Black Panther” Had A Premiere It’s only 17 days until Black Panther opens, so that means 17 days until thousands of think pieces on…