Meanwhile in the Bathtub: Woman Finds Herself in Giant Bowl of Hot Chocolate After Bath Bomb Fail The moral of the story? Spend a little more time reading the package because that bath bomb you’re excited about…
Meanwhile in Georgia: Armed Bystander Thwarts Chick-Fil-A Robber, People Really Are Struggling Out There The incident occurred in the middle of the afternoon when 23-year-old Willie Gloston IV popped into a midtown Chick-Fil-A demanding more…
Mandatory Laughs: Today’s Funny Photos For 03-24-2021 Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs. So here’s…
Meanwhile in England: Weasel Riding Woodpecker’s Back Feels a Bit American, Only a Matter of Time Before Marvel Gets Involved For those who think weasels are just pesky little varment or bathtub playmates a la The Big Lebowski, think again.
Man’s Best Workout Buddy: Jump-Roping Dog More Coordinated Than Most Humans Part of the appeal of owning a dog is the endless variety of tricks you can teach it. Sit. Stay.…
Kangaroos Are Trying to Communicate With Us, New Study Says (Most Likely That They Want to Punch Us in the Face) While this new research shows that kangaroos might be more similar to dogs and cats than previously known, it should…
Meanwhile in New Jersey: Dreamy Burglar Couple Eats, Drinks, Screws and Showers During Their Break-In Talk about making yourself at home! A bold burglar couple got very intimate with a home they broke into in…
Mandatory TikToks of the Week 03-23-2021 Skip the endless scrolling and get right to the good stuff. We've collected some of our favorite TikTok videos that…
Mandatory Laughs: Today’s Funny Photos For 03-23-2021 Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs. So here’s…
Runaway Ronald: Statue of McDonald’s Mascot Clown Stolen, And Yes They Actually Want it Back Instead of simply chalking it up to the universe telling them that the time was right to rid themselves of…