Mandatory Laughs: Today’s Funny Photos For 03-03-2021 Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs. So here’s…
Mandatory TikToks of the Week 03-02-2021 Skip the endless scrolling and get right to the good stuff. We've collected some of our favorite TikTok videos that…
Comedian Chris D’Elia Finally Comments on 8-Month-Old Sexual Misconduct Allegations, Admits to Normal Amounts of Sexual Addiction So according to D'Elia, what happened here was not the sexual misconduct of say, a Bill Cosby, but rather the…
Fauci Says 2 Covid-Vaccinated People Can Safely Gather; 1 Guess What They’re Going to Do Together The end is near. By which we mean: the end of the pandemic. At least, that’s what we keep telling…
Meanwhile in Florida: Cousins Wrangle 300 Pound Python, Take Ultimate Snake in the Grass Selfie For those of you who've never encountered a serpent of such stature, snake enthusiast, Aaron Brown, will tell you exactly what…
Mask Beard: COVID Has Been a Pandemic For Beards Everywhere as Bedhead Goes Down on Your Face Remember the days before face masks? Yeah, we don’t either. We’ve been strapping on personal protective equipment for so long…
Meanwhile in New York: You Can Now Get COVID Test From Vending Machines (If Only STDs Were This Easy) Vending machines have traditionally been dispensers of all our favorite vices and guilty pleasures, whether that’s peanut M&Ms, sour cream…
Jim Henson’s Violent Coffee Commercials Resurface After 60 Years, And Twitter Is Loving It (Video) Like Itchy and Scratchy on WWII-era meth, it doesn't get much better than this.
Answering the Age-Old Debate If It’s Smart to Wear Socks to Bed, Doctors First Promise It’s Definitely Not Sexy So, next time you think of slipping off your socks and throwing them in the hamper before bed, don’t. You…
Mandatory Laughs: Today’s Funny Photos For 03-02-2021 Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs. So here’s…