Cops Are Out But Firefighter Fetishes Are So Hot Right Now Firefighters don’t just put out the fire; they are fire.
Weird News: Michigan Library Wants People To Stop Microwaving Books, Please and Thank You Don't give your library book the TV dinner treatment.
Mandatory GIFs of the Week 07-08-2020 We’re halfway there, Mandatory Nation. Soon we’ll be able to taste the freedom of the weekend and celebrate that time…
Crayola Gets Woke With Multicultural Crayon Colors Crayola finally acknowledged that people come in more than one hue.
Fathers Growing Closer to Kids in Pandemic, Survey Says They Started With Names and Have Worked Up to Hobbies One upside of coronavirus: dads are getting closer to their kids.
Mandatory Charts: Matt Shirley Shares Hilariously Perfect Visual of Your Quarantine Cooking Experience This quarantine cooking chart says it all.
Mandatory Laughs: Today’s Funny Photos For 07-08-2020 Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs. So here’s…
The Funniest Tweets Reacting to Kanye West’s Run For President If this was any other year, this would seem weird. But with another new month in 2020 comes a new…
Ohio Couple Surprised to See Swastika Made of Pepperoni on Their Delivery (No Surprise They Ate the Pizza Though) Racists are using every tool at their disposal to spread hate -- including pepperoni.