32 Bags of Marijuana Delivered to the Wrong House, Talk About a Happy Accident For the people who dropped off the marijuana and the people who were expecting to get it, this is all…
Mandatory Laughs: Today’s Funny Photos For 06-19-2020 Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs. So here’s…
I Won’t Be Back: Arnold Schwarzenegger Leaves Gym Over No Face Mask Policy Do you know how much sweat and spittle are excreted when dumbbells pump iron?
Officer Karen Has Meltdown Over Wait For McMuffin, Talk About McPrivilege This is the epitome of white people problems.
Keanu Reeves Auctions Off Zoom Date to Help Children With Cancer Keanu Reeves can be all yours for 15 minutes...for a price.
Cleveland Man Raises $10K to Tap Dance on MAGA Neighbor’s Ceiling, Donating Proceeds to ACLU Who knew tap dancing was an effective form of fighting racism?
Mandatory Laughs: Today’s Funny Photos For 06-18-2020 Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs. So here’s…
Funniest Tweets About Aunt Jemima’s Retirement (People Are Really Opinionated About Syrup) White people have really strong feelings about syrup.
The Donald Trump Guide to Drinking Water Like a Completely Respectable President Trump infuriated Twitter...again.
Mandatory GIFs of the Week 06-17-2020 We’re halfway there, Mandatory Nation. Soon we’ll be able to taste the freedom of the weekend and celebrate that time…