On the 77th Day, Man Created Hot Dog Electronic Music, Puts Fred Durst’s ‘Hot Dog-Flavored Water’ to Shame You rock out to what you eat.
Minor League Baseball Team Puts Stadium On Airbnb, We Can Only Imagine The Strange Things People Will Use It For Gather your baseball-loving friends for an Airbnb experience like no other.
‘Tiger King’ and ‘Game of Thrones’ Intro Mashup Is a Perfect Clash of Fantasy and Our Current Reality Who knows how long it took him to render the world of ‘Tiger King’. It’s good to know that some…
Mandatory Laughs: Today’s Funny Photos For 05-28-2020 Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs. So here’s…
The Funniest Reactions to the #TrumpMeltdown Over the #TwitterFactCheck Another day, another Trump meltdown on Twitter.
The 20 Funniest Movie Marquees to Entertain You Until Theaters Reopen These movie theater marquees are just as funny as many comedies.
Mandatory GIFs of the Week 05-27-2020 We’re halfway there, Mandatory Nation. Soon we’ll be able to taste the freedom of the weekend and celebrate that time…
Local Woman Waits Too Long to Send in Census Forms, Says She Was Holding to See If She Makes It Out Alive First Don't count yourself out (or in) just yet.
Mandatory Laughs: Today’s Funny Photos For 05-27-2020 Without today’s collection of funny photos (or the last one), we’re afraid you’re not getting the daily recommended laughs. So here’s…
Enough Is Enough: 12 Perfect Ways to Exit Your Friends’ Group Chat (Before It Gets Any Weirder) Enough is enough. Be gone group chat!