Screenshot: World Star
Why try and fluff up the truth? If you are a fan of nice butts jiggling around at breakneck speeds, this is the video you should be watching. We don’t know what else there is to say. It’s literally a 1:46 video of a woman’s ass bouncing around on a motorcycle as she cruises the neighborhood. Sure, we could mention that it’s probably NSFW unless you’re a rap video producer, but that goes without saying after everything we already wrote. Anyways, we’ve enjoyed talking to ourselves since there’s no chance in hell you read a word of this since the headline. She picks a wedgie at about the minute mark if you’re into that kinda thing. That about covers it.
Woman’s Flawless Butt Riding A Motorcycle
She picks a wedgie at about the minute mark if you’re into that kinda thing. Otherwise, we stand by having covered all the important information in our intro.
via WorldStarHipHop