Woman Ditches Law Degree To Become Porn Star, Appears On ‘Game Of Thrones’

Photo: Instagram/Ella Hughes 

Everyone hates lawyers, so this move makes sense.

Ella Hughes, a 22-year-old, from Southampton, was all ready to continue to study law and become a lawyer when she had a change of heart. So what did Hughes do? She ditched her law degree and decided to strip naked and hook up for money instead.

Woman Ditches Law Degree To Become Porn Star, Appears On ‘Game Of Thrones’

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Hughes, who is a big deal on social media with close to 200,000 followers altogether, actually appeared on the massive HBO series Game of Thrones…as a prostitute. That’s right, Hughes played a hooker in an episode in a season six episode titled “The Broken Man.” So her career move has already opened doors for her.

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Here’s what Hughes had to say about why she decided to take the porn star route.

“Before I got into porn I was a very shy girl, I didn’t even talk to someone on the phone. I hated the sound of my own voice and never thought I was pretty enough. I struggled a lot with weight issues. I never thought in a million years I would be capable of doing something like this.

It wasn’t my original intention to get into porn, my original intention was to do a law degree. I’m halfway through that, I have postponed that for now. I did a stint doing lads’ mags, then it kind of progressed from one into the other… My love for my job conquers all critics. For me I almost kind of don’t care, because my love for my job kind of outweighs them, it conquers all.”

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And now Hughes probably makes more money than a lot of people reading this, so that’s a plus for her. But Hughes doesn’t want to do porn forever as she hopes she can own her own creative company someday. Oh, she also wants to direct her own porn film. Hey, follow your dreams.

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So the lesson here is if you’re not happy with your job or with your current situation, quit and do something that you love — even if that’s hanging around naked all day. You do that anyway, you might as well get paid for it.

h/t Daily Mail

And then there’s this lady: Iowa Teacher Busted For Sex With Student Turns To Porn

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