Sienna Miller is Drunk and Screaming

A drunk Sienna Miller screamed at a bunch of photographers in London last night at the the opening of her new fashion store Twenty8Twelve. Apparently in London when you take somebody’s picture, you’re a rapist. The Sun reports:

The actress, who looked severely the worse for wear, was at the opening of her new fashion shop Twenty8Twelve in London’s smart Notting Hill. She was there with “friend” Rhys Ifans, who was hitting the sauce heavily as well … She shouted: “Fuck off, you fuckiing shits. “See you in court, you fucking rapists.” One photographer who was at the launch said he was shocked at the outburst. He said: “I was quite flabbergasted. “We were just doing our jobs, all we were trying to do was get some quotes on how the opening of the shop went and she called us all rapists. “It’s an outrageous term to use for such a petty little thing as being at a party and being photographed. “It was completely the wrong context to use that word.”

Wow, that’s a pretty healthy self-esteem for a chick who’s only famous for fucking Jude Law while he was married. She’s also supposed to be some sort of British fashion icon, but in reality, she was born in New York and dresses like she just won the Miss Women’s Shelter pageant. Not really someone you’d want to rape. She’s no Whoopi Goldberg.

Image source: Daily Mail

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