Benji Madden Ran Over a Dude

Paris Hilton and Benji Madden left a nightclub last night and ran over a paparazzo’s foot. The world cries out in apathy. TMZ says:

As the snappers swarmed PBandJ’s ride, a loud yelping sound can be heard as Benj drove right over one photog’s checkered shoe covered foot outside Foxtail. After the rollover, Madden checked out the situation and took off. But just minutes ago, TMZ learned the treadmarked photog is currently dealing with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department over the incident. No word on whether Benji and Paris are even aware of that yet. UPDATE: The photographer just left the L.A. Sheriff’s Department in West Hollywood, where he filed a hit and run report.”

Madden’s car looked like it was out of gas and being pushed, so I’m pretty sure this paparazzo jackass has a solid case. Or probably not. This happened in California. Benji Madden could’ve ran this dude over then sold his organs on eBay and he would at worst, get sentenced an Indian burn.

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