Katie Price is Not a Writer

You might want to sit down for this, but you know those eight books Katie Price has published since 2004? Yeah, turns out she didn’t write them. Gasp! The Daily Mail reports:

Far from writing her own novels, Miss Price – better known as Jordan – instead reveals she merely thinks up the plot – leaving the complex task of conjuring up the golden prose to an assistant. “I’m not going to lie, I don’t sit there with a typewriter and write it, of course I don’t,” she said. “I don’t have time to do that. I say how I want the storyline to be, each chapter is done, I read through it change it and then it goes away to be written. “So I’m not going to sit here and say I write it word by word because I’d be lying. I actually say how I want the story and that’s how it happens.”

That was unexpected, because the first thing I think of when somebody says “best-selling author” is a vapid whore with gigantic mutilated tits and a sex tape. Or Charles Dickens’ centerfold in Playgirl.

Katie Price at her latest book signing on July 17th:

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