Re-Create The Greatest Kiss, Go To Vegas

If you’re having trouble convincing your significant other to let you film your…um…private acts, maybe we have a lead in for you.

NetFlix is having a contest to see who can best re-create famous kisses from film. They’ve set up a YouTube page and everything.

The best part is that it’s vote-based, so if you’re popular and attractive, you can get your friends to watch you make out with someone, and that making out might get you two free trips. The top three videos win trip to New York where the participants will kiss on stage. The winning couple gets flown to Las Vegas for some sort of getaway (we’re guessing “romantic’).

You can check out the official site here, or the YouTube page here, but they all suck thus far, so get kissing.

Especially if you pick one of these:

Bonus points if you can name all these lesbian kiss movies.

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