Disgust and Excitement Over Links And Playboy

Heidi Montag will be in Playboy. Which means the only moment of my whole life I won’t hate her will be the 20 seconds after I finish wanking it. [Hollyscoop]

Blake Lively is perky. And that’s why tall blondes in their late teens get on television. [Egotastic]

Heather Graham looks hot these days, which is better than what I was thinking about Heather Graham previously, which was that she was dead. Site NSFW. [DrunkenStepfather]

Must be a chilly day wherever Sharon Stone is wearing that tank top. Site NSFW. [TaxiDriverMovie]

Christina Aguilera is going to be in a burlesque movie, which might be okay because she won’t have to act that much. [ImNotObsessed]

Is Hayden Panettiere involved with her married co-star? [ICYDK]

David Hasselhoff got REAALLLLY drunk again. And whomever wrote this post calls him HasselHOOF in the title. [FatBackMedia]

NEW MEGAN FOX pictures confirm she was smokin’ even in high school. [TMZ]

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