John Mayer Eats Italian. Everyday.

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See what I did there? Star reports:

Multiple sources tell Star that John has shared hot nights with sexy Food Network star Giada De Laurentiis, as we report in our Nov. 22 issue. Last month, John and Giada — who has a 2-year-old daughter with her husband of seven years, Anthropologie fashion designer Todd Thompson — were seen together at the Boom Boom Room at The Standard hotel in New York. “John had one hand on the small of her back,” an eyewitness tells Star. “They looked like two people who were going to go home together.” Later that night, another eyewitness saw them at the nearby Hotel Gansevoort, where they disappeared into a suite together! When approached by Star for comment, a giggling Giada admitted, “I was at The Standard that night.” But she insists she’s not cooking up trouble with John — and didn’t even see him that night: “I’ve met him and he’s a great guy, but I just like his music. That’s all.” However, a source close to John says, “This doesn’t surprise me one bit! He’s always talked about how he was into her.”

Apparently writing vagina begging music is an easy way to get laid. Like when Christopher Carrabba played in my buddy’s basement with the full intent of writing songs to get him laid (“2 albums afterwards he had completely lost his soul, as indicated by lyrical content of his songs.”). It works. But my grandma says my tidiness and penny loafers will also find me love. Suck on that John Mayer!

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