Lindsay Lohan Is The Trainwreck Formerly Known As Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan is dropping her last name because she hates her dad. And because she can. From PopEater:

Diddy did it. So did Madonna and Prince, and now you can add Lindsay Lohan to the list of celebrities who are opting for a single moniker, with the troubled star’s mom, Dina, confirming to me that Lindsay plans to remove “Lohan” from her official name.

“Lindsay is dropping the Lohan and just going by Lindsay,” Dina tells me, exclusively. “Plus, me and [younger daughter] Ali will be officially changing our last names back to my maiden name, Sullivan.”

Lindsay had been thinking about dropping her surname for some time but at first thought no one would know who she was. It was only after the infamous Super Bowl E-trade advertisement referring to a baby as “that milkaholic Lindsay,” that the actress knew she no longer needed it.

“So many of the greatest people in showbiz are known by just their first name. Look at Oprah and Beyonce. Now you can add Lindsay to that list,” a family friend tells me. “And it’s a way for them all to start over. No one in the family want anything to do with Lindsay’s father [Michael Lohan] anymore and that includes sharing a last name.”

Of course, Michael Lohan denied everything.

Michael responded with a clear denial later Friday during a visit to Jane Velez-Mitchell’s hit HLN show. “I don’t think it’s true at all,” he said. “I would never imagine any of my kids changing their name, especially Lindsay.”

While I admit it makes sense for Dina Lohan to change her last name (she’s been divorced for years), I don’t see this working out. Despite releasing some shitty albums before getting dropped from her label, Lindsay isn’t known for being a pop star, and this isn’t a smart move for a would-be film star. Beyonce, Prince, Diddy, and Madonna are known for their talent, their longevity, and their brands. Lindsay is known for her addictions to Captain, coke, cock, and cuffs. She may want to focus on getting work before worrying about how many Ls are in the marquee.

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