Lindsay Actually Did Save Dina’s House From Foreclosure

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Yesterday, Lindsay Lohan called 911 on her mom after they both got drunk and got into a fight over money and blow. Lindsay claimed that her mom owed her $40,000, and usually when Lindsay says something you believe the exact opposite. But as it turns out, she was telling the truth. TMZ reports:

According to court docs obtained by TMZ … JPMorgan Chase Bank filed documents in 2010 to foreclose on Dina’s Long Island home because she had fallen behind on payments. Now here’s where it gets interesting …The bank and Dina cut some sort of deal in which mama Lohan agreed to a new payment agreement that would prevent her home from going on the auction block. Sources close to Lindsay tell us … Dina didn’t ante up on her own — she got money from Lindsay to make the payments. We’re told Lindsay made payments that helped Dina dig out of the hole, but recently she fell behind again and Lindsay had to give her MORE bailout money — $40,000. And that’s the 40 grand that Lindsay and her mom were arguing over when things erupted in the limo early Wednesday.

For the first time in 7 years, this is actually the first time I actually feel bad for Lindsay. She’s basically a 25-year old Toddlers & Tiaras contestant who has been taken advantage of by her horrific parents who treated her like a friend and gave her a serial killer type sense of entitlement for the sole purpose of sucking her dry. They actually want her to be a raging alcoholic and cokehead who is constantly in trouble with the law. It keeps her paranoid and easier to control. In other news, fuck you Dina Lohan for making me care about Lindsay.

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