John Mayer Spent His 35th Birthday With Katy Perry

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Three of Katy Perry‘s ex-boyfriends were drug addicts and one just recently killed an old lady and her cat then jumped off a roof a died, so gold star for her strict Christian upbringing. Also, give a gold star to John Mayer for presenting himself as the most normal guy she’s ever dated even though he’s probably fucked most of her friends and relatives already. In closing, birthday sex. New York Post:

“It was hard to recognize them because Katy had a hat on that was covering her face. But she and John were alone, they were holding hands throughout the meal and they definitely looked like a full-on couple.” This comes after the two, who had appeared to cool off a little, spent a flirty Saturday night together. They were spotted at Hotel Chantelle on the Lower East Side, “kissing and partying together,” according to spies. Then they headed to Cabin Down Below for a more intimate rendezvous. According to a witness, “They were getting cozy in a small private room in the back.”

John Mayer makes pussy begging music that chicks love and Katy Perry has huge tits that dudes love, so it’s not surprising that they’re on again off again. Katy probably wants to collaborate on a song, and John is fine just collaborating on her tits every few weeks.

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