Lindsay Lohan’s Entire Management Team Staged The Intervention

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Last week, Michael Lohan attempted to stage an intervention for Lindsay by randomly showing up to her house, but he didn’t make it in the door because Lindsay called the cops. Then her mom told Lindsay to get a protection order against her father then stole $100 from her purse. TMZ reports that Lindsay is now following her mom’s advice.

Lindsay Lohan is royally pissed at Michael Lohan and his “intervention” attempt — and now she’s 100% on board with obtaining an order of protection against him … just like her mom wanted all along. We broke the story … MiLo showed up to her house Friday — then refused to leave — and that was the last straw. Lindsay feels the ONLY way to stop her dad from pulling his crazy stunts is to get a judge involved … and she knows a lot of judges. We’re told LiLo will fly to NYC this week to meet with the rest of her family — and they’ll figure out how to get the stay away order.

Lindsay’s family believes Michael did this for attention, but as it turns out, the intervention was staged and planned by Michael and Lindsay’s ENTIRE MANAGEMENT TEAM, but the whole plan went to shit.

The emails are between Michael, Evan Hainey (LiLo’s manager) Dave Feldman (entertainment lawyer) and Shawn Holley (criminal defense lawyer). The emails were sent between Sept. 23rd and Oct. 18th (the day before Michael’s intervention). Michael emailed Evan and Shawn on Sept. 23rd, claiming he had been informed by several people Lindsay was “drinking between a bottle and a bottle and a half of vodka per day” adding, “I have seen the empty bottles and even cocaine in her room at Chateau.” Michael continues, “She is AGAIN, taking pills to keep her up and to sleep (adderall)!! I even know that she is and was drinking during work as far back as Liz and Dick!” Michael then pleads, “I am asking you to PLEASE PLEASE find a way to get her to LA toward the end of the first week of October or the beginning of the second so we can do an intervention and FINALLY end this madness!” LiLo’s manager Evan responds the same day to Michael and Shawn, “I am hearing the same things.” Evan continues, Lindsay will fly back to L.A. Oct 15th — and they should plan an intervention for that week. Lindsay’s lawyer Shawn responds unequivocally, “Let’s do it.” On Oct. 12th Michael and LiLo’s entertainment lawyer, Dave, sent multiple emails to each other — planning a conference call with a well-known interventionist, named Earl Hightower. Then on Oct. 18th (the day before the intervention) Michael sent an email to Evan … revealing a plan to confront LiLo at her Bev Hills home. According to text messages from Oct 19th, which we have also seen, the group decided Michael would confront LiLo FIRST … and everyone else would show up afterwards.

So to recap, her dad and management team are trying once again to save her life, and Dina and the rest of her family are protecting their asset. That’s basically all it comes down to really. I would be more interested but did you see that pass RGIII threw yesterday? What was that about?

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