Kate Middleton Hates Kim Kardashian Ironically

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During her trip to London last month, Kim Kardashian publicly said she’d like to have tea with Kate Middleton and Prince William. I wonder how that turned out? National Enquirer reports:

THE princess of American re­ality TV is getting the royal brush-off from the future Queen of England! During a London trip to promote her clan’s clothing line, KIM KARDASHIAN put word out that she’d like to take tea with Prince William’s wife KATE MIDDLETON, said a source. “Kim wasn’t happy because she’s obsessed with Kate, but the Duchess of Cambridge has no interest in be­coming part of the Kardashian pub­licity machine,” said an insider close to the royal family. “Kate can’t stand their style, and from what she knows about their TV show, it’s just a bunch of trashy people primping and yelling at each other. She’s far too polite to diss Kim to her face, but she’s got enough on her plate without having tea with someone like her.”

Since that didn’t work, Kim offered Kate Middleton free samples of their British Kardashian Kollection line. So….

In a bold move, the Kardashian sisters offered Kate free samples from their British line, which in­cludes skintight sequin minidresses, pleather pants, blue leopard-print tops and gold-studded bags, accord­ing to the source. But the Kardashians shouldn’t expect any free publicity from Eng­land’s future queen. “Kate wouldn’t be caught dead in a Kardashian outfit!” sniffed the source. “The Duchess gets free clothes sent to her every day of the week, and she always sends them back. The royal family is very careful about not being seen to endorse any product. It’s just not proper. Quite apart from that, the Kardashian outfits just aren’t appropriate for a duchess. “Kate is hardly going to turn up for an event with the queen in a cheap leopard-print miniskirt or gold sequined jacket!”

Man, it’s really hard to tell who is the bigger cunt in this scenario. Especially when the “Royal Family” are basically the reality stars of Britain. Kim Kardashian will never be a princess or a duchess, but in her defense, she doesn’t have a cousin to marry to make that happen.

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