Selena Gomez Will Take Justin Bieber Back If ‘Spring Breakers’ Flops

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Just when we thought Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber were over for good, Selena is reportedly thinking about taking Justin back. Why? Chicks love attention. Hollywood Life reports:

“Selena loved being in the celebrity scene when she was with Justin, it was just a completely different level.” While she was dating Justin — whether it was because of him or not — Selena truly did achieve a new, high level of attention. Spring Breakers has arguably given her even more fame, but actresses always fear that they won’t live be able to up to the hype. If her racy new movie, which seems to have unbelievably high expectations, flops, Selena “is back to the drawing board,” our source tells us. Her self-esteem could take a huge hit from too many negative reviews and a box office flop. “If it fails, she would do anything to get back to the level where she is now.”

I thought I was going to feel weird going to see Spring Breakers 25 times in the theater, but now I know that Selena Gomez needs me. Isn’t that right, baby? I promise I’ll do that one thing you don’t know you like yet.

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