Amber Heard Dropped Her Abuse Allegations Against Johnny Depp, Settled

A day before their restraining order hearing, Amber Heard and Johnny Depp reached a divorce settlement, and Heard has withdrew her domestic violence restraining order petition. They also released the most confusing joint statement I’ve ever read. 

“Our relationship was intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love. Neither party has made false accusations for financial gains. There was never an intent of physical or emotional harm. Amber wishes the best for Johnny in the future. Amber will be donating financial proceeds from the divorce to a charity.”

Uh, okay then. I guess the charity will be happy with whatever change she has left.  But here’s the thing. On August 6th, Heard showed up to her deposition and refused to answer questions and reportedly threw a tantrum. On August 12th, Heard flaked on her deposition yet again because she was “unable to arrange a flight“. However, she could arrange for that Johnny Depp video to be leaked that same night. We can question the timing of that if you want. We can also point out if the video was gender-swapped, Johnny Depp looks like at least two of my ex girlfriends. Dude was clearly on something. Then, of course today, they reached a settlement before the actual hearing. Heard doesn’t seem to want to get anything on official record for some reason. So here’s what we’ve learned: Johnny Depp is a violent asshole who throws shit AND Amber Heard is a gold digger. I’ll be honest, I didn’t see that one coming. 

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