This Hipster Nativity Scene Is Either The Most Hilarious Thing Ever Or The Most Ridiculous

Photo: NBC

It has been pretty well documented (mainly by us) that hipsters ruin everything — I mean, look how they ruined this poor Australian woman’s coffee. But now hipsters have picked it up a notch. How? Well, by messing with Baby Jesus.

Sine the holidays are in full swing, chances are you’re going to be seeing a lot of nativity scenes out there. Tons of them. But one nativity scene in particular has been turning a lot of heads. The nativity scene, sold by Modern Nativity, is sort of an updated version on the birth of good old jesus.

Let’s take a look at what hipsters have done to JC.

Oh God.

And check out the three Wise Men hanging on to Amazon Prime boxes.

“After a few beers, we started joking about how religions would be different if their sacred texts were set in modern times,” Casey Wright, the dude behind this creation, says in response to how he thought up of this.

And Wright has clearly gotten a lot of different reactions: “We’ve gotten everything from, ‘Oh, you’re going to Hell’ to ‘You guys are totally reinventing the way we think about Christmas.'”

Well, if you want one of these things it’s going to cost you. How much? Try $130.

Happy Birthday, Jesus.

h/t The Daily Dot

Damn, goat!: Goat Ruins Nativity Scene By Getting All Up In Jesus’ Business

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