Conan Didn’t Know How to Handle Steve Ballmer

Steve Ballmer is crazy. Steve Ballmer also has a net worth of over 29 billion dollars. This means that Steve Ballmer is a crazy guy with an extortionate, nigh-on unimaginable amount of money in his bank account, which ensures that Steve Ballmer basically does whatever he wants, when he wants. Unfortunately, what he seemingly wants to do is make everyone around him feel incredibly uncomfortable by way of his unbridled enthusiasm, with him regularly behaving like a labrador that’s just been told it’s going for a walk. On cocaine.

The former Microsoft CEO and current LA Clippers owner appeared on Conan last night, with him exhibiting the extreme level of high energy that made him one of the more divisive figures in the tech industry. He became particularly animated when asked about his acquisition of his basketball team’s mascot, which led to him describing the moment he delivered a televised slam dunk via trampoline by way of practically screaming at both Conan O’Brien and his audience. Conan was left speechless by his guest which, when you consider that he’s a talk show host, is no small feat.

Check out Ballmer’s, er, memorable appearance on the talk show below:

And here’s the entrepreneur in a slightly more laid back frame of mind, discussing how he once beat Bill Gates in a Math quiz:

Ballmer was the CEO of Microsoft from January 2000 to February 2014, with the company’s revenue almost tripling under his watch, rising from $25 billion to $70 billion. However, Ballmer notably struggled with the seismic shift the consumer tech industry experienced in the 21st century, with Microsoft failing to follow in the footsteps of Apple with the success of its portables.

Ballmer’s most notorious mistake came when he purchased Nokia, a multi-billion dollar deal that came during a time when the mobile manufacturer was experiencing major difficulties in driving sales of its phones. After Ballmer’s departure as CEO, Microsoft was forced to sell the company after thousands of job losses and a $900 million deficit.

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