Hey Everyone, You Can Now Give Oral Sex Long-Distance By Licking Your Phone

Photo: YakobchukOlena (Getty)

And here is some more useless sex technology that someone will be in to.

If you folks weren’t into the app that helps stop premature ejaculation, perhaps you’ll be into “O-Cast,” an app that allows people to upload simulated oral sex sessions and then that can be downloaded on to a vibrator via bluetooth. What a world!

Photo: CamSode

Darren Press, the poor dude who has to be the O-Cast spokesperson, called it “iTunes for oral sex,” because O-Cast’s goal is to offer different tongue patterns for download at their website. Man, I wish I was a fly on the wall during their pitch meeting.

So how in the hell does this work? Well, according to the Huffington Post, “one person will download a web app that records vibratory patterns made by licking the phone screen.” Genius, right?

So if you’re interested get those tongues ready.

Nope, not like that.

Little closer.


Now watch this: Check Out This Important Video Of A Woman Describing  What It’s Like To Have Sex With A Male Sex Doll

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