Head On Collision Cheating Stories From Reddit

Cheating Story #6

I was in a military school and a bunch of us were sitting around a campfire bullshitting. A lieutenant walked over to us and joined the conversation. We were going through all the usual campfire topics and stories, and eventually ended up talking about cheating exes.

The lieutenant said, “Man, I had that happen to me when I was in Ranger Battalion.”

We were intrigued and encouraged him to tell us what happened. He continued, “Well, we had been in Korea doing some joint training and ended up coming back a week early. I live with my girlfriend and headed to our house.”

He had stood up now and was kinda spacing out into the fire. “It was late at night so I was quiet when I opened the door and headed upstairs. Apparently she had been cheating on me for a while and the guy was used to sleeping here. He heard me coming up the stairs and thought I was a burglar.”

He kept looking at the fire as he said, “He attacked me at the top of the stairs so I responded.”

We looked at him and I asked, “What did you do?”

“Oh, I killed him. Threw him right out the window.”

<cricket>….. <cricket cricket>

We were kinda stunned with that, since most of our campfire conversation had been fairly lighthearted, and just responded with a few Holy Shits and Wows. Someone asked if he got in trouble and he didn’t- police came and never charged him. The girl got a ride to her sister’s house and he had her crap out on the lawn by morning. Good times.

Cheating Story #7

I attempted to beat the shit out of him while he ran down stairs and out my front door, he was able to grab his under ware before he left. My girlfriend, was unable to grab anything before I threw her out. She was completely naked and from what my friends have told me, she was walking/hiding for an hour or two before she was able to find a pay phone (back in 2010 so not easy to find, at least where I live, closest one was about 2-3 miles from my house) and use change she found to call her friend to come get her.

Even worse than my girlfriend cheating on me, was that the dude was my best friend of 8+ years at the time.

Cheating Story #8

Not me, but I worked with a woman who walked in on her husband and her brother going to town. A few days after that she came into work and said “My husband ran off with my brother”. One of the managers was laughing so hard he fell down.

Cheating Story #9

My wife and I drove six hours with our two year old to be at her brothers retirement party from the Air Force. When we arrived he gave us his hotel room key and said put your coats away and join the party. We go to his room open the door and see his wife blowing not one but two other members of the Squadron.

Cheating Story #10

I worked with an old man that caught his wife cheating back in the 70’s. He turned around went back to his truck, grabbed a pistol and shot her dead. Did 25 years in a south Georgia prison. One of the nicest guys I’ve ever met.

If you caught yourself having an awkward boner while reading this article, you might have some weird fetish you need to consider. Although we hope you don’t have any personal cheating stories, if you do know some interesting ones, share them in the comments, it might help the grieving process.

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