Photo: Hero Images (Getty Images)
Summer is here and we can finally begin our mass exodus out of boring-ass urban life and back to mother effin’ nature. Which is good, since who knows how much longer any of it will be around. However, when we’re not worrying about the world’s natural resources being exploited, we’re out there trying to enjoy them. If you love camping but miss modern conveniences on your trips, you’ll have to have most of these items. This summer, maximize your fun with the outdoor gear that’ll make you feel right at home.
Camping 101: Doing The Great Outdoors Without Blending In
Into the wild: The Nature Lover’s Guide For Travel And Camping Gifts
This summer when you head out to the wild blue yonder, which of these items will you be taking with you? Let us know in the comments!
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Camping Gear Summer 2019
FLPSDE Dual Chamber Water Bottle
The gear you bring while on a camping trip makes all the difference. That said, FLPSDE Dual Chamber Water Bottles are so much more than just a water bottle! The inner chamber stores your favorite snacks, keys, cash, pet food or other personal essentials while the outer chamber holds your liquids. Now you just have to decide what your perfect inner and outer chamber combos will be before you leave camp.
Photo: Amazon
Luminiser LED Lantern
The Luminiser LED Lantern produces a super bright LED light powered 100 percent by tiny tea candles or lamp oil. You'll never need batteries, gas, or solar power to make it work. And best of all, there's no charging required. So now, when you friend Chad is cheating at Uno, there'll be enough light for you to notice.
Photo: Amazon
Wacaco Nanopresso Portable Espresso Maker
If the biggest downside to camping is forgoing your fancy cup of coffee, you'll be relieved to know that's a problem of the past. Wacacao's Nanopresso is built around a newly patented pumping system so there's no need for a battery or electricity. With the Nanopresso, you use your hands to create a maximum of 18 bars (261 PSI) of stable pressure to extract unparalleled coffee, which is more than what most home espresso machines can deliver. Just be forewarned that this might be your new favorite coffee maker, period.
Photo: Amazon
Radiate Portable Campfire
If the idea of building a campfire stresses you out, smoke a joint and let go of your worries. Radiate Portable Campfire provides you with 3-5 hours of non-toxic burn time in a sleek and portable design. They're made using 100 percent recycled soy wax and 100 percent recycled paper pulp to land you with the perfect portable campfire. So light up and then light up again while sitting around your campfire.
Photo: Amazon
Power Practical Luminoodle - Portable LED Light Rope and Lantern
If your camping trip needs a little ambiance, look no further than Power Practival Luminoodle. This USB camping lights string can adapt to nearly any lighting scenario. Whether you’re a camping fan and want some widespread, hands-free camp lighting, or need some extra light when you’re under the hood of a car, these rope lights have you covered. The USB plug is reversible and universal so you can use any USB battery pack to keep your camping trip lit.
Photo: Amazon
Kube Bluetooth Speaker with 37qt Cooler Storage
Throw the chillest parties this summer with the Kube Bluetooth Speaker with 37-Quart Cooler Storage. This outdoor speaker not only has state-of-the-art sound, but it can accommodate up 16 bottles of wine. That way you can drink rosé all day while listening to the tunes you and your friends love most.
Photo: Amazon
LectroFan Micro Wireless Sleep Sound Machine and Bluetooth Speaker
Some people will never get used to the sounds of the outdoors. Keep your sleep routine fine tuned with the LectroFan Micro Wireless Sleep Sound Machine and Bluetooth Speaker. The mini speaker has 10 unique sounds programmed, including five fan sounds, four white noise variations, and a soothing ocean sound. It's small enough to fit in a backpack and will last for up to 16 hours with its rechargeable built-in battery. You'll get the sleep you need while still being able to enjoy yourself on vacation.
Photo: Amazon