Burger King

Meanwhile in Nebraska: Disgruntled Burger King Employees Announce ‘We All Quit’ on Sign, Have It Your Way Indeed

Getting hired for a job generally follows the same dull pattern: apply, interview, train. But quitting a job is when people really get creative – and we have to applaud a pack of Burger King employees for telling their employer to eff off in a very unique way.

The fast-food workers were based at a BK in Lincoln, Nebraska, and they were fed up with being understaffed, overworked, and having too much managerial turnover. Working conditions were beyond bad – at one point, the kitchen had no AC for weeks during 90-degree weather, and the staff became dangerously dehydrated.

“We had just got really tired of upper management and them not coming to help and not caring about the employees,” said Rachael Flores, the former general manager of the Havelock Avenue location, told Today. “It was pretty hectic. They were already short-staffed (in August) and the general manager was pretty loud and crazy, very argumentative.”

So she and her coworkers decided to give the gig a heave-ho. And as a parting gift, they put a message on the restaurant’s sign. “We all quit,” it read. “Sorry for the inconvenience.”

An image of the sign went viral – and garnered a lot of support from kindred spirits who have surely suffered the same fast-food fate.

“It was a lot more positive than I expected, because there are a lot more people that think that we quit because we weren’t making enough money or because flipping a burger was a little bit too hard. It was nothing like that. It was upper management being crappy,” Flores said of the response to the sign. “To see the amount of support that we employees actually got was actually really nice, to know that we are inspiring people to reevaluate their self-worth when it comes to a job actually feels pretty great.”

Burger King prides itself on its “Have it your way” motto. It would appear these employees did have it their way indeed.

Cover Photo: Rachel Flores (Facebook)


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