Facebook Developing ‘Facebook at Work’ to Challenge LinkedIn

Facebook is reportedly developing a new service called ‘Facebook at Work’ that is hoping to challenge LinkedIn as a platform for communication between professionals.

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With Facebook being banned from many workplaces, Mark Zuckerberg is looking to introduce a new service that will see the site become a networking tool for businessmen and women, similar to LinkedIn, allowing colleagues to communicate with one another along with collaborating with one another on documents.

According to the Financial Times, “the new site will look very much like Facebook – with a newsfeed and groups – but will allow users to keep their personal profile with its holiday photos, political rants and silly videos separate from their work identity.” Judging by this statement, it is therefore likely that Facebook at Work will be an entirely new service kept separate from the existing Facebook.

This new service will allow Facebook users to keep a distinct gap between their professional and private lives, as employers both existing and potential can now be limited to accessing the Facebook at Work profiles of their associates.

There’s no word on when Facebook is planning to roll out this new service.

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