CES 2015: Sony’s CEO Makes First Public Statement About the Sony Pictures Hack

Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai has made his first public statement following the historic hacking of the company’s Sony Pictures division.

Speaking during Sony’s keynote address at CES 2015, Hirai broke his silence over the hack, saying: “Both Sony Pictures Entertainment former employees and certainly current employees were unfortunately the victims of one of the most malicious cyber-attacks we have known in recent history.

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“I am very proud of all employees and all the partners we’ve worked with as well who stood up against the extortionate effort of these criminals.”

The Sony Pictures hack saw a group calling themselves the ‘Guardians of Peace’ obtain a huge amount of confidential information from Sony, including private emails, pilot scripts and more. It was suggested that North Korean officials were behind the attack, seeking revenge for Sony’s comedy The Interview, which parodies both the new media and the dictator of the Hermit kingdom, Kim Jong-un. This accusation, which has been refuted by North Korea, led to Sony stating that they were going to pull The Interview from theaters, only for them to then stage a limited release of it along with making it available to stream online, a move which eventually proved to be very lucrative given the amount of press surrounding the film.

Speaking of the controversy surrounding The Interview, Hirai said: “I have to say freedom of speech, freedom of expression — those are important lifelines of Sony and our entertainment business, and today as you all know, The Interview is available through multiple online venues and through satellite, telecom and cable partners as well as 580 independent theaters alone in the US.

“I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the partners who made this possible, the members of the media who supported our launch, but most importantly the people who have come out to see the movie.”

Along with discussing the implications of the hack, Hirai also pledged his allegiance to the growth of the 4K market, stating that it will continue to be an “important area” that Sony will continue to build upon.

Photo: Getty Images


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