Scary Good Pairings: Your Favorite Halloween Treats Meet the Perfect Spooky Movies Binge in more ways than one this Halloween.
More Trick Than Treat: The 15 Worst and Weirdest Things Trick-or-Treaters Have Received on Halloween Here's hoping you, or the trick-or-treaters you love, never hit one of these houses.
Ranked! The Weirdest Ways People Eat Peanut Butter Across the U.S. Peanut butter is a polarizing food.
Ranked! The Worst Halloween Candy (To Keep Trick or Treaters Off Your Lawn) As you get older, and your palate becomes more refined, you realize that a lot of the Halloween candy you…
Taco Bell Recruits Pete Davidson to Apologize for Its Breakfast Menu (But When Is He Going to Apologize for Being So Unfunny?) The only thing less appealing than Taco Bell is Pete Davidson.
M&M’s Introduces First-Ever Female Peanut M&M ‘Purple’ in Music Video That Leaves a Bad Taste in Our Mouths All we want our M&M's to be is delicious.
Mandatory Food Trends: Butter Boards Are a Thing We Have to Try Now (Thanks, TikTok) We're not sure we're on board with Butter Boards.
FDA Warns That TikTok NyQuil Chicken Challenge Could Be Deadly (But Does Anyone Dumb Enough to Eat This Really Deserve to Live?) This is what we call a recipe for disaster.
King Charles III Likely to Dine on Parasitic, Blood-Sucking Fish Pie to Celebrate Coronation (Are They Trying to Kill Him?) A meal fit for a king?
Mandatory TikTok: @thecerealkillerzkitchen Is the Must-Follow TikToker of the Week You're gonna need a bigger spoon!