The Mandatory Best Man’s Guide to Giving a Wedding Speech Nobody Will Forget Fueled by bottom-shelf booze, tap into your jealousy, resentment, douchebag-ery, and give them a wedding speech nobody will forget.
RANKED! The 12 Best Motivational Books of All Time Motivational books can be pretty hokey, but they can assist you in maintaining focus. While everyone is losing their heads,…
Maskne: Acne For Responsible Adults Who Wear Masks (And Here’s How to Avoid It) Luckily, you don’t have to simply accept the fact that you’re going to have a massive, embarrassing breakout. There are…
12 Actually Great Tips to Giving the Best Man’s Speech No Guy Can Top When it comes to male friendship hierarchy, there’s no topping the designation of “best man” at a friend’s wedding. It…
Exercise Is the Ultimate Productivity Hack, Study Shows Why You Should Get Up and Get Moving Working up a sweat might help you climb the corporate ladder.
The Johnny Depp-Amber Heard Dating Guide to Ending Your Relationship Amicably The relationship between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has been…tumultuous at best. What started out as a love story quickly…
Art of the Spiel: The Mandatory Guide to Giving a Presidential Speech Nobody Will Forget There are many similarities between cutting a good deal and giving a good speech and, after reading his book (don’t…
The Mandatory Boyfriend Handbook to Buying Clothes For Your Girlfriend, Inspired by Melania Trump’s RNC Appearance Since we’re not sure where else to look, we decided to take our cue from the unique style Melania Trump…
The Mandatory Survival Guide to Living in America With No Income or Insurance We've got plenty of tips and tricks to help you live through the dumpster fire known as 2020.
Hedonists Are Happier, Study Shows (So Eff Everything and Indulge Already) If you want something, go get it. Your lifelong happiness literally depends on it.