Have an STI? There’s a Dating App For That (But We Can’t Promise You’ll Like It) Don't blame us if you're disappointed.
FDA Warns That TikTok NyQuil Chicken Challenge Could Be Deadly (But Does Anyone Dumb Enough to Eat This Really Deserve to Live?) This is what we call a recipe for disaster.
Life Hack of the Week: A Mandatory Video for Quickly and Easily Cleaning Up Leaves Piles of leaves be gone!
King Charles III Likely to Dine on Parasitic, Blood-Sucking Fish Pie to Celebrate Coronation (Are They Trying to Kill Him?) A meal fit for a king?
Mandatory TikTok: @thecerealkillerzkitchen Is the Must-Follow TikToker of the Week You're gonna need a bigger spoon!
TikToker Reveals 4 Ways to Predict a Layoff (Just Before Getting Laid Off Herself) When life imitates art...in a bad way.
Ranked! The Worst Pumpkin Spice Foods (From Mildly Disgusting to Downright Gag-Worthy) Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, a new pumpkin spice food is introduced.
Apple iOS 16: The Coolest (Or Completely Unnecessary) New Features Now Available on Your iPhone These new features will have you fiddling with your phone for days.
Jerry Seinfeld Models Streetwear in Embarrassing Kith Campaign (And Twitter Has Jokes) If the look he was going for was “Boomer douchebag,” well, mission accomplished.