Facebook Adds New Dating Feature, As If We Weren’t Already Using It That Way Photo: andresr (Getty Images) Facebook is an interesting creature. It’s a big part of millions of people’s lives, while simultaneously…
8 Ways You Can Improve Your Life According To Brene Brown’s New Netflix Show In her new Netflix special 'The Call To Courage,' shame researcher Brené Brown has gone over the data to discover…
The 10 Best Places To Meet A Woman You Can Bring Home (To Mom) While it may be the best time in the history of the world for hook-up culture, meeting a girl you…
Making a Real Man: 17 Chivalrous Acts We Want to Bring Back There's no better time than the present to bring back the fine art of acting like a gentleman.
Stephanie Sarley Makes Fruit Fun Again With Her Provocative Instagram We've never been so turned on by melon.
Mandatory Movies: What To Watch When You’re Tempted To Text Your Ex Distract yourself from texting your ex with these Mandatory Movies.
10 Simple Reasons Why She’s Just Not That Into You You might be wondering why she's not married to the idea of you.
8 Passionate Movie Relationships You Wish You Were In Hollywood has no shortage of epic love stories and it's easy to envy the love-struck couples that populate the silver…
What Her Favorite ‘Game Of Thrones’ Character Means For Your Relationship Instead of simply asking your girlfriend to communicate clearer, decode your relationship based on her favorite 'Game Of Thrones' character.